Product: PadMu
Developer: Outering s.r.l.
Platforms: Android
Outering asked to customize LeggiMi to render musical scores stored in PDF files on their e-ink based Pad For Musician.
Main requirements was:
- Optimized support of e-ink display's latency
- Advanced caching to grant smooth performances while playing big and high-res score's files
- Perfect rendering appearance to enhance the 13.3" e-ink pearl display
The application is strictly based on RadaeePDF SDK. Even when running on low performances' CPU, it is really fast and the double caching system is greatly improving the user experince.
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LeggiMi' main features are:
- Integration with existent user interface granted by color, layout and UX customizability
- Interaction with existent environment via custom plugin API and custom Intent (on Android only)
- UI's simplicity
- Reliability in an embedded and heavy duty environment
- Multimedia support (movies, pictures, html5)
- Strong file encryption (AES128 and AES256)
- Multilanguage support (English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Chinese, Arab, Deutsch, more languages are coming)
- Full annotations handling
- Full support for eInk paper displays with high latency and slow frame rate

Rights and Trademarks
PadMu is copyrighted by Outering s.r.l.
LeggiMi PDF is copyrighted by s.r.l.
RadaeePDF SDK is copyrighted by RadaeeStudio and s.r.l.