The new
RadaeePDF Master for iOS
is on line.
- NEW GLOBAL.g_layout_rtol option
- NEW objsStart support rtol now.
- UPDATE core lib
- UPDATE GLOBAL.g_render_mode renamed to GLOBAL.g_view_mode
- FIX rendering issue for RTOL in dual mode
- FIX Double page with first page single
- FIX Zoom scale values
- FIX Curl / PageView crash
- FIX Share pdf crash
- FIX Form Fields background color changed from yellow to light blue
- FIX Form Fields Text color changed from white to black
- FIX Embed File crash
- FIX Polygon and Polyline color palette
- FIX Stamp crash when size < 0
- FIX signature issue.
- FIX layout issue for vertical and horizontal layout.
Upated EULA to introduce products Classic, Master and Server.