This article shows how to add an image and scale it with finger (maintaining proportions).
In PDFView class, add the following methods:
- (BOOL)vImageStart
if( ![m_doc canSave] ) return false;
if( m_status == sta_none )
self.scrollEnabled = false;
m_status = sta_image;
return true;
return false;
if( m_status == sta_image )
self.scrollEnabled = true;
m_status = sta_none;
[self refresh];
if( m_status == sta_image )
m_modified = true;
m_status = sta_none;
[self refresh];
self.scrollEnabled = true;
if( m_status != sta_image ) return false;
imgAnnot = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"icon57.png"]]; = CGPointMake(self.contentOffset.x + point.x - (imgAnnot.frame.size.width / 2), self.contentOffset.y + point.y - (imgAnnot.frame.size.height / 2));
[self addSubview:imgAnnot];
return true;
if( m_status != sta_image ) return false;
CGRect origin = imgAnnot.frame;
float deltaMoveX = self.contentOffset.x + point.x - origin.origin.x - origin.size.width;
float deltaMoveY = self.contentOffset.y + point.y - origin.origin.y - origin.size.height;
float prop = imgAnnot.frame.size.width / imgAnnot.frame.size.height;
if (self.contentOffset.x + point.x > origin.origin.x && self.contentOffset.y + point.y > origin.origin.y) {
float width = (deltaMoveX > deltaMoveY) ? self.contentOffset.x + point.x - origin.origin.x : (self.contentOffset.y + point.y - origin.origin.y) * prop;
float height = (deltaMoveX < deltaMoveY) ? self.contentOffset.y + point.y - origin.origin.y : (self.contentOffset.x + point.x - origin.origin.x) / prop;
[imgAnnot setFrame:CGRectMake(origin.origin.x, origin.origin.y, width, height)];
return true;
if( m_status != sta_image ) return false;
struct PDFV_POS pos1;
struct PDFV_POS pos2;
[m_view vGetPos:&pos1 :(imgAnnot.frame.origin.x - self.contentOffset.x) * m_scale :(imgAnnot.frame.origin.y - self.contentOffset.y) * m_scale];
[m_view vGetPos:&pos2 :(imgAnnot.frame.origin.x - self.contentOffset.x + imgAnnot.frame.size.width) * m_scale :(imgAnnot.frame.origin.y - self.contentOffset.y + imgAnnot.frame.size.height) * m_scale];
PDF_RECT rect;
rect.left = pos1.x;
rect.right = pos2.x; = pos1.y;
rect.bottom = pos2.y;
[self vAddImageWithImage:imgAnnot.image withRect:rect];
[imgAnnot removeFromSuperview];
return true;
- (void)vAddImageWithImage:(UIImage *)image withRect:(PDF_RECT)rect
// Create the cache file
NSString *tp = NSTemporaryDirectory();
tp = [tp stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"cache.dat"];
[m_doc setCache:tp];
// Create the PDFPage instance of the current page
PDFPage *page = [m_doc page:m_cur_page];
// Create the CGImageRef of the image
CGImageRef ref = [image CGImage];
// Add the image
[page addAnnotBitmap:ref :YES :&rect];
// Re-render the current page
[m_view vRenderSync:m_cur_page];
[self refresh];
// Save the PDF file
[m_doc save];
Now you should update touchesBegan, touchesMoved, touchesEnded method and add OnImageTouchBegin:point, OnImageTouchMoved:point and OnImageTouchEnded:point method, in this way:
-(void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
if( [self OnNoteTouchBegin:point] ) return;
if( [self OnInkTouchBegin:point] ) return;
if( [self OnRectTouchBegin:point] ) return;
if( [self OnEllipseTouchBegin:point] ) return;
if ([self OnImageTouchBegin:point]) return;
[self OnNoneTouchBegin:point:touch.timestamp];
-(void)touchesMoved:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
if( [self OnNoteTouchMove:point] ) return;
if( [self OnInkTouchMove:point] ) return;
if( [self OnRectTouchMove:point] ) return;
if( [self OnEllipseTouchMove:point] ) return;
if( [self OnImageTouchMove:point] ) return;
[self OnNoneTouchMove:point:touch.timestamp];
-(void)touchesEnded:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
if( [self OnNoteTouchEnd:point] ) return;
if( [self OnInkTouchEnd:point] ) return;
if( [self OnRectTouchEnd:point] ) return;
if( [self OnEllipseTouchEnd:point] ) return;
if( [self OnImageTouchEnd:point] ) return;
[self OnNoneTouchEnd:point:touch.timestamp];
Now you can call [m_view vImageStart] and [m_view vImageEnd] to toggle the image insert mode.
In this example we used a static image "icon57.png", but you could edit that method and use a custom image.