Here you could find a sample code to get a UIImage from text selection.
This code first of all get the rect from the selection, then render the page portion.
Add startIdx and endIdx methods, to RDVSel class to get the first and the last selected chars:
(.h)- (int)startIdx;
- (int)endIdx;
(.m)- (int)startIdx {
return m_index1;
- (int)endIdx {
return m_index2;
Then, you could add this code to OnSelTouchEnd method to check it (then you could create a custom method or move this code):
if( m_status != sta_sel ) return false;
// get first and last char index
int start = [m_sel startIdx];
int end = [m_sel endIdx];
int cur = start;
// init draw_rect with the first char rect
PDF_RECT draw_rect;
[[m_sel pdfpage] objsCharRect:start :&draw_rect];
// set the min left/top and max right/bottom
PDF_RECT rect;
while (cur <= end) {
[[m_sel pdfpage] objsCharRect:cur :&rect];
draw_rect.left = (rect.left < draw_rect.left) ? rect.left : draw_rect.left; = ( < ? :;
draw_rect.right = (rect.right > draw_rect.right) ? rect.right : draw_rect.right;
draw_rect.bottom = (rect.bottom > draw_rect.bottom) ? rect.bottom : draw_rect.bottom;
// set dib size with the draw_rect
int width = draw_rect.right - draw_rect.left;
int height = draw_rect.bottom -;
// get the selected page
PDFPage *page = [m_sel pdfpage];
[page objsStart];
PDFDIB *dib = [[PDFDIB alloc] init :width :height];
// set the matrix with the draw_rect (we need only a portion of the page)
PDFMatrix *mat = [[PDFMatrix alloc] init :1 :-1 :-draw_rect.left :draw_rect.bottom];
[page renderPrepare :dib];
[page render :dib :mat :2];//always render best.
mat = NULL;
// get the UIImage
UIImage *img = [UIImage imageWithCGImage:[dib image]];
// add code here to save the UIImage or the [dib image], that is CGImageRef
if( m_del )
[m_del OnSelEnd :m_tx/m_scale_pix :m_ty/m_scale_pix :point.x :point.y];
return true;
RadaeePDF SDK for iOS
Created : 2019-08-07 09:41:44, Last Modified : 2019-08-07 09:41:44