If during RadaeePDF-Cordova repository installation terminal were shown some errors like:
npm ERR! code 1
npm ERR! Command failed: /usr/bin/git clone -q https://github.com/gearit/RadaeePDF-Cordova.git /Users/whoiam/.npm/_cacache/tmp/git-clone-09749d91
npm ERR! /Users/whoiam/.npm/_cacache/tmp/git-clone-09749d91/.git: Permission denied
npm ERR! This is an error with npm itself. Please report this error at:
npm ERR! <https://github.com/npm/npm/issues>
You should uninstall Node.js and downgrade to an older version like 7.10.1.
RadaeePDF SDK for iOS, RadaeePDF SDK for Cordova
Created : 2018-02-27 15:37:20, Last Modified : 2022-03-21 17:52:42