This article shows how to add a custom annotation icon:
- (BOOL)setCustomIcon:(CGImageRef)ref forAnnotAtIndex:(int)index atPage:(int)pageNum
//get the PDFVPage
PDFVPage *vpage = [m_view vGetPage:pageNum];
if( !vpage ) return NO;
//get the PDFPage
PDFPage *page = [vpage GetPage];
if (!page) {
return NO;
//get the annotation
PDFAnnot *annot = [page annotAtIndex:index];
//init PDFDocForm and PDFPageContent
PDFDocForm *form = [m_doc newForm];
PDFPageContent *content = [[PDFPageContent alloc] init];
//create PDFDocImage with CGImageRef
PDFDocImage *image = [m_doc newImage:ref :YES];
PDF_PAGE_IMAGE rimg = [form addResImage:image];
//set the matrix 20x20
PDFMatrix *matrix = [[PDFMatrix alloc] init:20 :20 :0 :0];
[content gsCatMatrix:matrix];
matrix = nil;
//draw the image on the PDFPageContent
[content drawImage:rimg];
[content gsRestore];
//set the content on the PDFDocForm
[form setContent:0 :0 :20 :20 :content];
//set the custom icon
BOOL success = [annot setIcon2:@"myIcon" :form];
//free objects
content = nil;
page = nil;
return success;
For example, you can call this method while you're adding a PopupText annot.
In this case in vAddTextAnnot you can add:
-(void)vAddTextAnnot :(int)x :(int)y :(NSString *)text
struct PDFV_POS pos;
[m_view vGetPos:&pos :x * m_scale :y * m_scale];
PDFVPage *vpage = [m_view vGetPage:pos.pageno];
if( !vpage ) return;
PDFPage *page = [vpage GetPage];
if (!page) {
m_modified = true;
pt.x = pos.x ;
pt.y = pos.y ;
[page addAnnotNote:&pt];
PDFAnnot *annot = [page annotAtIndex: [page annotCount] - 1];
[annot setPopupText:text];
//set the custom icon
UIImage *im = [UIImage imageNamed:@"image.png"];
[self setCustomIcon:im.CGImage forAnnotAtIndex:[page annotCount] - 1 atPage:m_cur_page];
[m_view vRenderSync:pos.pageno];
[m_doc save];
You can also modify the method and get the annotation and the page number as parameters instead of the annotation index.
To use this method you have to set the cache path.
Here is an example of how to set the cache:
NSString *cacheFile = [[NSTemporaryDirectory() stringByAppendingString:@""] stringByAppendingString:@"cache.dat"];
[m_doc setCache:cacheFile];
RadaeePDF SDK for iOS
Created : 2017-03-07 15:20:51, Last Modified : 2017-03-07 16:48:39