You can customize the Xamarin RadaeePDF viewer using the following methods:
* Activates the SDK license.
* Should be called before show, open methods
* @param context Context object must be derived from CoontextWrapper
* @param licenseType 0: standard license, 1: professional license, 2: premium license.
* @param companyName company name (not package name)
* @param mail mail
* @param key the license activation key
* @return true if the license was activated correctly, false otherwise
* Opens the passed file and shows the PDF reader.
* @param context the current context.
* @param url the url can be remote (starts with http/https), or local
* @param password the pdf's password, if no password, pass empty string
* @param readOnlyMode if true, the document will be opened in read-only mode
* @param automaticSave if true, the modifications will be saved automatically, else a requester to save will be shown
* @param gotoPage if greater than 0, the reader will render directly the passed page (0-index: from 0 to Document.GetPageCount - 1)
* @param bmpFormat bmp format, can be RGB_565 or ARGB_4444, default is ALPHA_8
* @param author if not empty, it will be used to set annotations' author during creation.
* @param layoutType determine the type of the layout to be used for rendering, (GPU or CPU) based layout, GPU_BASED_LAYOUT:0 (OpenGL), CPU_BASED_LAYOUT:1
You can open a pdf from Assets using:
* Opens the passed assets file and shows the PDF reader.
* @param context the current context.
* @param path the asset name/path
* @param password the pdf's password, if no apssword, pass empty string
public class MainActivity : Activity, RadaeePluginCallback.IPDFReaderListener
public class MainActivity : Activity, RadaeePluginCallback.IPDFReaderListener
private RadaeePDFManager mPdfManager;
private static String TAG = "DEMO";
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)
mPdfManager = new RadaeePDFManager(this);
public void DidChangePage(int p0) {
Log.Debug(TAG, "Page changed to " + p0);
public void DidCloseReader() {
Log.Debug(TAG, "Did close reader");
public void DidSearchTerm(string p0, bool p1) {
Log.Debug(TAG, "Did search term " + p0 + " and the result = " + p1);
public void DidShowReader() {
Log.Debug(TAG, "Did show reader");
public void WillCloseReader() {
Log.Debug(TAG, "Will close reader");
public void WillShowReader() {
Log.Debug(TAG, "Will show reader");
And then set a selector for your RadaeePDFPlugin object:public class RadaeeDelegate : RadaeePDFPluginDelegate
RadaeePDFPlugin plugin;
public RadaeeDelegate(RadaeePDFPlugin plugin)
this.plugin = plugin;
public override void WillShowReader()
Console.WriteLine("will show reader");
public override void DidShowReader()
Console.WriteLine("did show reader");
public override void WillCloseReader()
Console.WriteLine("will close reader");
public override void DidCloseReader()
Console.WriteLine("did close reader");
public override void DidChangePage(int page)
Console.WriteLine("did change page {0}", page);
public override void DidSearchTerm(string term, bool found)
Console.WriteLine("did search {0}", term);
public override void DidTapOnPage(int page, CGPoint point)
Console.WriteLine("did tap page {0}", page);
public override void DidDoubleTapOnPage(int page, CGPoint point)
Console.WriteLine("did double tap page {0}", page);
public override void DidLongPressOnPage(int page, CGPoint point)
Console.WriteLine("did long press page {0}", page);
public override void DidTapOnAnnotationOfType(int type, int page, CGPoint point)
Console.WriteLine("did tap annot of type {0} at page {1}", type, page);
public override void OnAnnotExported(string path)
Console.WriteLine("did export annot at path {0}", path);
//Set Callback for RadaeeDelegate
RadaeeDelegate selector = new RadaeeDelegate(plugin);
You can use the following methods of RadaeePDFManager (Android) or RadaeePDFPlugin (iOS) to customize the layout and/or use exposed features :
* Changes the Reader's view mode
* Should be called before show, open methods
* @param viewMode 0:vertical 3:single 4:dual 6:Dual with cover(1st page single)
SetReaderViewMode(int viewMode)
* Changes the reader's view background color.
* Should be called before show, open methods
* @param color format as 0xAARRGGBB
SetReaderBGColor(int color)
* Changes the thumbnail's view background color.
* Should be called before show, open methods
* @param color format as 0xAARRGGBB
SetThumbnailBGColor(int color)
* Changes the height of the thumbnail view.
* Should be called before show, open methods
* @param height height in dp, i.e. 100 = 100dp
SetThumbHeight(int height)
* Sets if the first page should be rendered as cover or dual
* Should be called before show, open methods
* @param firstPageCover if true the first page will be single, if false it will be dual (same as view_mode = 4)
SetFirstPageCover(bool firstPageCover)
* Gets the current page index, in case of dual it will return the page on the left
* @return the current page index (0-based), -1 otherwise
int PageNumber
* Changes the color of the reader toolbar's icons.
* @param color format as 0xAARRGGBB
SetIconsBGColor(int color)
* Changes the color of the reader's toolbar.
* @param color format as 0xAARRGGBB
SetTitleBGColor(int color)
* show/hide toolbar and thumbnails slider
* @param immersive if true the toolbar and thumbnail will be hidden (if visible),
* if false and hidden they will be shown
SetImmersive(bool immersive)
* Returns a json object that contains all the document form fields dictionary
* @return json object of all the document form fields dictionary (if-any), or ERROR otherwise
String JsonFormFields()
* Returns a json object that contains a specific page's form fields dictionary
* @param pageno the page number, 0-index (from 0 to Document.GetPageCount - 1)
* @return json object of the page's form fields dictionary (if-any), or ERROR otherwise
String GetJsonFormFieldsAtPage(int pageno)
* Using the passed json, you can set the value of form fields like: Text fields, checkbox,
* combo, radio buttons.
* @param json object of the document form fields dictionary
String SetFormFieldsWithJSON(String json)
* Returns document's pages count
* @return document's pages count, -1 in case of error
int PageCount
* extract the text content of the given page
* @param page the page number, 0-index (from 0 to Document.GetPageCount - 1)
* @return the given page's text
String ExtractTextFromPage(int page)
* encrypt document and save into another file.<br/>
* this method require premium license.
* @param dst path to save, same as path parameter of SaveAs.
* @param upswd user password, can be null (is the public password (shared with authorized users). It's sufficient to open the file with applied permission mask set).
* @param opswd owner password, can be null (is the password that allow opening the file without any restriction from the permission mask).
* @param perm permission to set, same as GetPermission() method.<br/>
* bit 1-2 reserved<br/>
* bit 3(0x4) print<br/>
* bit 4(0x8) modify<br/>
* bit 5(0x10) extract text or image<br/>
* others: see PDF reference
* @param method set 3 means using AES 256bits encrypt(Acrobat X), V=5 and R = 6 mode, others AES with V=4 and R=4 mode.
* @param id must be 32 bytes for file ID. it is divided to 2 array in native library, as each 16 bytes (something like the encryption seed or salt in some
* other encryption scheme. That id is a reserved code that make password stronger).
* @return Success of error.
String EncryptDocAs(String dst, String upswd, String opswd, int perm, int method, String id)
* Adds the given page to the bookmarks.
* @param mContext context object
* @param filePath the orignal pdf file
* @param page 0 based page no.
* @param bookmarkLabel label of Bookmark (can be empty string)
* @return a string that indicates the result
String addToBookmarks(Context mContext, String filePath, int page, String bookmarkLabel)
* Removes the given page from bookmarks.
* @param page 0 based page no.
* @param filePath the orignal pdf file
* @return true or false.
boolean removeBookmark(int page, String filePath)
* returns a list of bookmarked pages in json format
* @param filePath the orignal pdf file
* @return json string or null ex: [{"Page": 4,"Label": "Page: 5"}, {"Page": 1,"Label": "Page: 2"}]
String getBookmarksAsJson(String filePath)
RadaeePDF SDK for Xamarin
How to create your own APP with Xamarin (Android) and RadaeePDF PDF reader
Created : 2017-02-23 10:59:14, Last Modified : 2022-03-21 17:52:09