This article shows how to add an Edit Text annotation to a pdf:
if is not available, add addEditTextBox method in PDFObjc class (in PDFPage implementation):
-(bool)addEditTextBox:(const PDF_RECT *)rect :(int) line_clr :(float) line_w :(int) fill_clr :(float) tsize :(int) text_clr { return Page_addAnnotEditbox2(m_page, rect, line_clr, line_w, fill_clr, tsize, text_clr); }
Then add vAddEditText method in PDFView class:
-(void)vAddEditText:(CGPoint)point { PDF_RECT rect; rect.left=point.x; rect.right=point.x + 300;; rect.bottom=point.y + 50; PDFVPage *vpage = [m_view vGetPage:m_cur_page]; if( !vpage ) return; PDFPage *page = [vpage GetPage]; if (!page) { return; } PDFMatrix *mat = [vpage CreateInvertMatrix:self.contentOffset.x * m_scale :self.contentOffset.y * m_scale]; [mat transformRect:&rect]; [page addEditTextBox:&rect :0xFF000000 :0xFFFF00FF :0xFFFFFFFF :12 :0xFFFF0000]; PDFAnnot *textAnnot = [page annotAtIndex: [page annotCount] - 1]; [textAnnot setEditText:@"example text"]; [m_view vRenderSync:m_cur_page]; [self refresh]; [m_doc save]; }
vAddEditText method will add an Edit Text in a specific point.
rect.right and rect.bottom are width and height of the Edit Text and you can customize also these values
You can call vAddEditText in RDPDFViewController with something like:
//Add the Edit Text
[m_view vAddEditText:CGPointMake(100, 100)];
RadaeePDF SDK for iOS
Created : 2016-02-08 11:41:04, Last Modified : 2021-05-27 13:37:07