This article shows how to add text to a pdf.
To use these methods you need a Premium license.
- (void)vAddText:(NSString *)text
//prepare to write texts
PDFPageContent *content = [[PDFPageContent alloc] init];
[content gsSave];
PDFMatrix *mat = [[PDFMatrix alloc] init:1 :1 :100 :200];
[content gsCatMatrix:mat];
PDFPage *page = [m_doc page:0];
PDFDocFont *dfont = [m_doc newFontCID:@"Helvetica" :1 | 8];//bold and embed in horizontal writing
PDF_PAGE_FONT rfont = [page addResFont:dfont];
[content textBegin];
[content textSetFont:rfont :20]; //set font and size
[content setFillColor:0xff0000];
[content setStrokeCap:2];
[content textSetCharSpace:0];
[content textSetWordSpace:0.3f];
[content textSetLeading:20];
[content textSetRenderMode:2]; //fill and stroke
[content textSetHScale:120]; //set horizontal scale
[content drawText:text];
[content textEnd];
[content gsRestore];
[page addContent:content :true];
[m_view vRenderSync:0];
[self refresh];
[m_doc save];
RadaeePDF SDK for iOS
Created : 2015-08-25 12:26:08, Last Modified : 2017-07-14 09:19:38