Knowledge Base - How to create your own APP with Swift and RadaeePDF SDK
Create a new Swift project.
- Set "Storyboard" as interface
Create a new group called Radaee.
Include “include” folder and "RadaeeSwift-Bridging-Header.h” file from demo project into Radaee group using “Create groups” option.
Include “cmaps” and “fdat” folders from demo project into Radaee group using “Create folder references” option.
Copy icons from demo project Assets
- Completely remove the “Application Scene Manifest” entry from Info.plist
- Remove "PDFRes" folder from "include" folder and re-add it as folder references
- Remove "RDFileCollection" folder, RDAppDelegate class, MoreViewController class and main.m reference from "include" folder
- Add "help.pdf" file from "PDFRes" folder in main project navigator's directory
The project navigator should be something like:
Replace AppDelegate.swift and ViewController.swift with same files from demo project to try the Swift module (you can replace the current one).
Replace 'UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey' with 'UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey' in AppDelegate.swift
Replace 'UIAlertControllerStyle' with 'UIAlertController.Style' in ViewController.swift
Add the path of "RadaeeSwift-Bridging-Header.h” to “Objective-C Bridging Header” of Build Setting tab.
Add -ObjC and -lstdc++ flags to Other Linker Flags of Build Setting tab.
In this example we use a navigation controller to present the reader, and the storyboard will look like:
The “Show Reader” button calls ShowReader method of ViewController class.
The current ViewController uses demo Premium License to run the APP, in this case you should set the same bundle id of demo project (“com.radaee.viewer”).
If you want to use your license, you should set your bundle id and edit pluginInit method in ViewController class to activate your license.
Now you can run the project and customize the ViewController code.
The reader viewcontroller must be contained into a navigation controller, this is the demo implementation
If you want to customize the reader, you can edit the RadaeeLib project (Obj-C) and use the Makefile to create a custom static library to replace the “libRDPDFLibSDK.a” file of demo project
Applies To
RadaeePDF SDK for iOS
Created : 2018-12-03 12:11:07, Last Modified : 2021-05-27 13:36:28