The default behavior of the vertical mode is to fit according to screen width.
If you want to make it fit to screen height instead, create a custom class that extends PDFLayoutVert as below (make sure to put it under package com.radaee.view, to be able to use all the protected properties).
public class VerticalFitHeight extends PDFLayoutVert {
public VerticalFitHeight(Context context) {
public void vLayout() {
if(m_w <= 0 || m_h <= 0 || m_doc == null || m_pages == null) return;
int cnt = m_doc.GetPageCount();
int cur;
m_scale_min = ((float)(m_h - m_page_gap)) / m_page_maxh;
m_scale_max = m_scale_min * m_zoom_level;
if(m_scale < m_scale_min) m_scale = m_scale_min;
if(m_scale > m_scale_max) m_scale = m_scale_max;
boolean clip = m_scale / m_scale_min > m_zoom_level_clip;
m_tw = (int)(m_page_maxw * m_scale);
if( m_tw < m_w ) m_tw = m_w;
m_th = 0;
int y = m_page_gap>>1;
for(cur = 0;cur < cnt;cur++)
int w = (int)(m_doc.GetPageWidth(cur) * m_scale), cw = 0;
int h = (int)(m_doc.GetPageHeight(cur) * m_scale);
if (w + m_page_gap < m_w) cw = m_w;
else cw = (int) (w + m_page_gap * m_scale);
int x = Math.abs(cw - w) / 2;
m_pages[cur].vLayout(x, y, m_scale, clip);
y += h + m_page_gap;
m_th = y - (m_page_gap>>1);
Note, you need to modify PDFLayoutView.PDFSetView to use your custom class instead of PDFLayoutVert
RadaeePDF SDK for Android
Created : 2017-10-26 09:10:50, Last Modified : 2017-10-26 09:13:48