Hallo Nermeen,
ok, I checked it. It works in the original demo project. But I added the RPDFLib Project to my own project and and added the classes I need to open an pdf from the PDFViewerSDK_Win10 project to my main project. And in this constellation it seems that I cannot assing any value to the PDFAnnot class. Here is another example I tried in the PDFReaderPage.xaml.cs in the method onSingleLineForm. Just to test if I can only asing a value to PDFAnnot.EditText or PDFAnnot.PopupLabel.
annot.EditText = "123 abc";
Debug.WriteLine("annot edit text: "+annot.EditText);
mAnnot = annot;
mAnnot.EditText = "abc 123";
Debug.WriteLine("mAnnot edit text: " + mAnnot.EditText);
annot.PopupLabel = "abc 123";
Debug.WriteLine("annot popup label: "+annot.PopupLabel);
Every debug output just returns an empty string.
I know the PDFAnnot class is public and also the variables and that I would anyway get an error if I tried to assing a value to them and they werent, but I dont understand why it isnt working.
I am pretty sure it is a dumb mistake I make, but I tried for some hours now and dont have clue what is wrong. Maybe you instantly know what might be wrong, wiith this new information.
At least I really hope so.
If you think this might be a bigger issue I would also be willing to pay for a solution, but hopefully its just a minor thing.
Thanks again for your effort I really appreciate it.