The demo project comes with ready-to-use demo-activated license (standard, professional and premium).
In PDFVGlobal.m, APP_Init() method, You can adopt the active method you want to test.
//BOOL succeeded = Global_activeStandard("com.radaee.pdf.PDFViewer", "Radaee", "This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.", "3BQIA5-IW8GQM-H3CRUZ-WAJQ9H-FADG6Z-XEBCAO");
//BOOL succeeded = Global_activeProfession("com.radaee.pdf.PDFViewer", "Radaee", "This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.", "MP8SG1-7SPIWP-H3CRUZ-WAJQ9H-FADG6Z-XEBCAO");
BOOL succeeded = Global_activePremium("com.radaee.pdf.PDFViewer", "Radaee", "This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.", “89WG9I-HCL62K-H3CRUZ-WAJQ9H-FADG6Z-XEBCAO");
You can either use the demo project (which is activated with premium license) for your tests or give your project "com.radaee.pdf.PDFViewer" as bundle identifier. (Xcode: Select your .plist -> Select “Bundle identifier” key -> set the new bundle identifier), to be able to test the professional and/or premium features.
RadaeePDF SDK for iOS
Test different license types on Android before buying the license
How to activate my iOS license?
How to create the activation key for Standard, Professional or Premium license
Created : 2015-01-19 17:23:06, Last Modified : 2017-02-08 13:01:52