Using the Advanced properties, you can change the page dimensions, check the below code:
Note: a premium license is needed.
- (void)setBoxHeight:(int)height width:(int)width forPage:(int)pageno
PDFPage *page = [m_doc page:pageno];
PDFObj *obj = [m_doc advanceGetObj:[page advanceGetRef]];
int count = [obj dictGetItemCount];
for (int cur = 0; cur < count; cur++) {
NSString *tag = [obj dictGetItemTag:cur];
PDFObj *item = [obj dictGetItemByIndex:cur];
int type = [item getType];
if ([tag isEqualToString:@"MediaBox"] || [tag isEqualToString:@"CropBox"])
int arr_count = [item arrayGetItemCount];
PDFObj *boxWidth = [item arrayGetItem:2];
PDFObj *boxHeight = [item arrayGetItem:3];
[boxWidth setIntVal:width];
[boxHeight setIntVal:height];
[m_doc save];
RadaeePDF SDK for iOS
Created : 2018-02-02 15:07:35, Last Modified : 2018-02-02 15:07:35