This article shows you how to export and import annotations (ink, line, rect, ellipse, note) from a page to another.
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//get first page
PDFPage *page1 = [m_doc page:0];
[page1 objsStart];
//get last added annotation
PDFAnnot *annot = [page1 annotAtIndex:([page1 annotCount] - 1)];
//save annotation data and export
PDF_RECT rect;
[annot getRect:&rect];
unsigned char buf[1024];
[annot export:buf :sizeof(buf)];
//get second page
PDFPage *page2 = [m_doc page:1];
//import annotation to the second page
NSData *data = [NSData dataWithBytes:buf length:sizeof(buf)];
[page2 importAnnot:&rect :[data bytes] :data.length];
You can change the buf size based on your needs.
RadaeePDF SDK for iOS
Created : 2017-12-14 10:57:54, Last Modified : 2017-12-14 10:57:54